Tuesday, June 12, 2007

No taxes for Oil!

From the We Own the Air you Breathe DEPT

Bob Teixeira thought he was smart enough to figure out a way to stop sending money to terrorists and save a buck or two at the same time. That is until he got got outdumbed by the Taxman.

See Bob thought it was a great idea to recycle used cooking oil in his car so he could save a few pennies instead of suckling the teat of Saudi Arabia. That is until some pigs pulled him over for violating the fuel tax. Bob was stupid enough to flaunt authority with a witty bumpersticker that read, "Run's on 100% Vegetable Oil". It's illegal in most states to drive a car with untaxed fuel. Pigs know this because instead of stopping pedophiles or catching murderers their job is actually to enforce the states "protection racket." Cops, like soldiers are in effect Gangsters for Imperialism. The really appalling part is that the state makes more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.

So hey, Bob, when you're breaking the law, don't advertise it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.