Monday, June 11, 2007

Normally I say fuck the troops and fuck the war. However there are some stories that break even my coal like cardiovascular pump.

Me and My M-14: is a heartwarming story of a man who fights adversity with the help of a Vietnam war relic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

being a veteran of the goatfuck i often hear referred to as Operation Iraqi Freedom. i feel like my expert opinion is desperately needed here. it is my belief that this man wasted $700 of his hard earned money, and believe me folks he earned it the hard way, because it doesn't matter what weapon you have. they could issue all our troops terrorist seeking laser blasters from the future. if you aren't allowed to fire the goddamn thing it's about as useful as a fucking toothpick. our men and women don't need new weapons. we don't ninja outfits that make us blend in like the alien from Predator. what we need is to allow our military to do some old fashioned killing. until we start offing people it doesn't matter whether you're armed with a flute or a rocket launcher. because right now they're equally effective with the way we're going about things. i'll leave you with this. the Roman Empire didn't last for a thousand years because they played nice.